Holiday Eating and the Old Nerd

Jessie Whitesell

Our guest blogger for this episode is a professional coach and fitness trainer, Jessie Whitesell. She stopped by the Old Nerd Podcast to give us some great information on coaching, nutrition and how to stay on track during the holidays.

Be sure to listen to the full podcast at the following link or find it free on any streaming service:

As a wellness consultant, she is a certified health coach, personal trainer, autoimmune paleo coach, behavioral specialist, and fitness nutrition, specialist. Jessie enjoys the deep meaningful relationships that she and her clients have as they create action plans to better their own health. She also enjoys speaking to large groups, creating corporate wellness initiatives, and plans for families.
Jessie is a mama of three busy active teenagers and married to her high school sweetheart. She tackles two autoimmune diseases with a balance of nutrition, sleep, pharmaceuticals, exercise and stress reduction but will not let these diseases define her.
When she isn’t traveling with her children’s sports teams, she enjoys being out and nature; hiking, kayaking, swimming, and running, as well as traveling to her own chosen destinations. Now, here’s Jessie!

Hi all! Jessie Whitesell here with a few tips to stay on track with your health + wellness during the holidays.

Nutritionally, allow yourself some indulgences here and there. Decide what is really worth it and then enjoy what you have chosen…. guilt-free. If Aunt Mabel’s pecan pie is what you dream of, then please have a slice or two this year. However, if the office party is catered with boxed cookies and they look tasteless and hard as bricks, save your splurge for another time when it truly feels worth it. When you have been invited to a party, bring one or two items to share that are full of clean and healthy ingredients,   such as a harvest green salad with apples, pears, and walnuts and a simple balsamic dressing or roasted root vegetables.

In this busy season, it is easy to let exercise fall to the wayside. Schedule your yoga or strength training classes now. Put them on your calendar just like you would a meeting with your boss. Reach out to a friend you haven’t seen and connect on a woodsy hike in the fresh air. Is an old friend coming to town…. instead of happy hour, schedule a cycle class together at that new studio you have been wanting to check out. They likely need it too.

With the holidays come many extra details that need our time and attention; decorating, gift lists, a plethora of parties, shopping, wrapping, holiday meal planning, addressing Christmas Cards, etc. It becomes all too easy to let our sleep fall by the wayside. But this is when we rest and restore, and actually even burn fat. Research shows we make better food choices as well when we have sufficient sleep.  Review your schedule and the nights without commitments choose to rest and get to bed earlier. If your schedule is maxed this may not be the time to start the new series on Netflix but rather get to bed at a reasonable time on those nights that your schedule allows.

Finally, and I believe most importantly, is to address the issue of stress. The holidays can be a stressful time for many as schedules and budgets are stretched thin. Allow yourself some grace by admitting what you can and can’t handle. If addressing 150 Christmas cards feels stressful and not so “holly jolly”, eliminate that from your to-do list. It is not a requirement and that could free up hours of your time better spent doing something more meaningful. Look at your budget and your calendar and eliminate what may not be necessary.

Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks and chores to the entire family as you prepare for the season. Schedule in some me time to rest and recharge as well. Whatever traditions you participate in and beliefs you have, take care of yourself so that you can then care of others, and have a warm, fulfilling and wonderful holiday season. Be well and Happy Holidays!

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