As you may have read here on Old Nerd in the Gym, in order to make this fitness thing work for me, it needed to be focused on something about which I was already familiar and liked doing. I chose cycling, long-distance tour cycling to be precise.
As a boy I had a friend who spent hours with me bicycling the rural roadways where we grew up. We lost touch after high school and went our separate ways. Years later I learned of his suicide. He’d been in the military and I’d do anything to have had one more ride with him.
Now that I’ve taken up cycling to improve my health, I’m about to make my first attempt at a 100 mile (Century) ride on Saturday, May 6 during the Miami Valley Cycling Classic in Xenia Ohio. Since I never got that last ride with my friend, I’ve dedicated my longest ride yet to his memory and raising money to benefit a local non-profit dedicated to helping prevent veteran suicide.
Since I never got that last ride with my friend, I’ve dedicated my longest ride yet to his memory by raising money to benefit a local non-profit dedicated to helping prevent veteran suicide. Out of respect for his family, I’m not going to be disclosing my friend’s name, but I’m guessing, we all know of someone like him.
So I need your help. I’m asking for everyone to visit my GoFundMe page and donate whatever amount they can to help motivate me to finish this ride to the end. In the end, I’ll be donating whatever we raise, but the more the better and the goal is a mere $500.00.
Thanks and I appreciate it! Here’s the link:
PS: For any corporate donations out there, if we can get the jersey made in time, I’m happy to wear your logo prominently on the back of the shirt provided you donate the entire $500.
Thank you!